Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Owl Facts

Hello Again!
I haven't been here so long because I'm busy with school and I forget sometimes...

I've been reading a series called "Guardians of Ga'Hoole". It's about an owl named Soren who is brought to and Academy for Orphan Owls and meets an Elf Owl named Gylfie. The Academy  is not a nice place, the owls who run the Academy want to take over all the owl kingdoms. Together Soren and Gylfie escape the academy. They meet an owl called Twilight in the forest and they find an owl named Digger in the desert.
Now I'm reading the second book of the series called "The Journey".

I learned a lot of facts about owls from these books. 
There are many different kinds of owls, some of the ones I learned about are: 
Barn Owl,  they have amazing hearing, they can hear a mouse on the ground from far above.

Elf Owls, they have an excellent ability to see in complete darkness.

Burrowing Owl, they are good at running and live in the ground.

Great Grey Owl, they are one of the largest owls in the world.

I learned that owls eat their prey whole and later they threw up the pellet  which is the bones of the owl's pray. Owls have gizzards, gizzards are the muscular second stomachs that push out the pellets out. Owls' claws are called talons. When owls grow their flight feathers and are ready to fly they are fully fledged. And these are some of the things I learned about owls so far. Thanks for reading this!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What if we had no moon?

Have you ever wondered what earth would be like if there was no moon?
I've been wondering that and I found this series of six videos about it. Click on THIS link, but I warn you it's a little bit scary so..try it if you'd like.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Do you believe in mermaids?

Last night I watched a show on Animal Planet about a boy that found a real life mermaid. It was a documentary called "Mermaids: the Body Found". Some people think that this movie is not real. I think it is real. If it is real that would be pretty amazing. A lot of people used to think they were just fairy tales but the show might prove them wrong.

Check out this link to see the show I am talking about:
Do you think Mermaids are real???

Thursday, August 30, 2012

More from the Herkimer Diamond Mining

These are some of Herkimer Diamonds I found at the mines:

The eye protective gear is really important:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Herkimer Diamond Mining

A few days ago I went mining for Herkimer Diamonds. It was fun and I found some big ones and some small ones.
What are Herkimer Diamonds you ask???
They are not real diamonds but they are form of quartz crystal. They are not as rare as real diamonds but they are still a bit hard to find. The most amazing thing about them is that they are older than dinosaurs!!!

A beautiful specimen I found!

If you would like to visit Herkimer Diamond Mines yourself you can find more information here

My Rock Book

A few weeks ago I made this awesome book. You can check it out here

Welcome to my blog

I'm Alek and this is my blog. Thanks for stopping by.
Every week there will be some new and exciting facts, theories, pictures and fun stuff for you to check  out!
Come back soon!