Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What if we had no moon?

Have you ever wondered what earth would be like if there was no moon?
I've been wondering that and I found this series of six videos about it. Click on THIS link, but I warn you it's a little bit scary so..try it if you'd like.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Do you believe in mermaids?

Last night I watched a show on Animal Planet about a boy that found a real life mermaid. It was a documentary called "Mermaids: the Body Found". Some people think that this movie is not real. I think it is real. If it is real that would be pretty amazing. A lot of people used to think they were just fairy tales but the show might prove them wrong.

Check out this link to see the show I am talking about:
Do you think Mermaids are real???